MapLink™ Procedures | Manufactured Housing Community Plan

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Manufactured Housing Community Plan
Review and approval of preliminary manufactured housing community plans.
A. Review. Prior to the establishment of a new manufactured housing community, an expansion of a manufactured housing community, or construction of any building within the community not previously approved, a plan shall be presented to the Planning Commission for its review and approval.
B. Application. All plans submitted to the Planning Commission for review under this section shall contain the following information; provided, however, that detailed construction plans shall not be required to be submitted to the Township.
(1) The date, North arrow and scale. The scale shall not be less than one inch equals 50 feet for properties under three acres and at least one inch equals 100 feet for those three acres or more.
(2) All site and/or property lines are to be shown in dimension.
(3) The location and height of all existing and proposed structures on and within the subject property, and existing within 100 feet of the subject property.
(4) The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed internal drives, sidewalks, curb openings, signs, exterior lighting, parking areas (showing dimensions of a typical parking space), unloading areas, community buildings, open space and recreation areas.
(5) The location and the pavement and right-of-way width of all abutting roads, streets, or alleys.
(6) The name and firm address of the professional civil engineer, registered landscape architect, landscaping firm, or architectural firms responsible for the preparation of the site plan.
(7) The name and address of the property owner and developer.
(8) The location of all rubbish receptacles and landscaping and the location, height, and type of fences and walls.
(9) Location of all fire hydrants, if applicable.
(10) The number of manufactured housing sites proposed.
(11) The submittal shall contain a narrative of the arrangements to be made for water supply and sewage disposal service, including approximate capacity, source of water supply, discharge points for sewage disposal, and description of stormwater management facilities.
(12) Utility and other easements.
(13) Existing wetlands.
(14) Proposed sign locations.
(15) All required setbacks and separation distances.
C. Fee. Fees for the review of a manufactured housing community plan shall be established by resolution of the Township Board.
D. Decision. The plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission for compliance with the design standards for manufactured housing communities contained in this chapter, and the Rules of the State Manufactured Housing Commission. If it is determined that the manufactured housing community complies with this chapter and the Rules, it shall be approved.