MapLink™ Procedures | Wireless Communications - Site Plan

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Wireless Communications - Site Plan
Application requirements. The following information shall be provided with the application, in addition to other submittal requirements for site plan, as required in Article 22: Site Plan Review.
(1) Signed certification by a professional engineer licensed by the State of Michigan with regard to the manner in which the proposed structure will fall in the event of damage, accident or injury (i.e., "fall zone"), and that the setback area provided shall accommodate the structure should it fall or break and provide a reasonable buffer in the event the structure fails.
(2) A description of performance guarantee to be posted at the time of receiving a land use permit for the facility to ensure removal of the facility when it is abandoned or is no longer needed. The applicant shall demonstrate that funds will be available to the Township for removal of any structure used for wireless communication in an amount which reasonably reflects the cost of removal of the facility and restoration of the property or structure upon which the facility is located or placed. Adequate funds shall also be provided to cover the Township's administrative costs in the event that the applicant or its successor does not remove the wireless communications facility in a timely manner.
(3) The security shall, at the election of the Planning Commission, be in the form of 1) cash; 2) security bond; 3) letter of credit; or 4) an agreement in a form approved by the Township Attorney and recordable at the office of the Register of Deeds, establishing a promise of the applicant and owner of the property, or their successors, to remove the facility in a timely manner as required under this section. It shall further be provided that the applicant, owner or successor shall be responsible for payment of any costs or attorney fees incurred by the Township in securing removal.
(4) A map that illustrates existing and known proposed wireless communications facilities within the Township and adjacent communities which are relevant in terms of potential co-location or to demonstrate the need for the proposed facility. If and to the extent the information in question is on file with the Township, the applicant shall be required only to update, as needed. Any such information which is trade secret and/or other confidential commercial information which, if released, would result in commercial disadvantage to the applicant may be submitted with a request for confidentiality in connection with the development of governmental policy. Any request for confidentiality must be prominently stated in the application for the special land use.
(5) For all new facilities, in recognition of the Township's policy to promote co-location, a written agreement, transferable to all Assessors and assigns, that the operator shall make space available on the facility for co-location.
(6) The name, address and phone number of the person to contact for engineering, maintenance and other notice purposes. This information shall be continuously updated during all times the facility is on the premises.

See § 450-23.48: Wireless communications facilities for more information.
See Forms and Applications for more information.