MapLink™ Procedures | Storage In Agricultural Buildings - Special Use Permit

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Storage In Agricultural Buildings - Special Use Permit
Any application for the special land use shall include information on whether gasoline or other fuel will be kept in the tanks of any stored vehicles or equipment and, if so, the application shall state the method to be used to safeguard the building from fire. A copy of the application shall be forwarded to the Township Fire Chief for review and comment.

The special land use, if approved, shall be granted for two years. Not sooner than six months prior to the expiration of the special land use permit, the owner may request, in writing, a renewal for a period of up to an additional two years. Successive renewals may be applied for in the same manner. Requests for renewal shall be submitted to, reviewed and decided by the Zoning Administrator, without public hearing or other proceedings by the Planning Commission. In considering the renewal request, the Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the conditions of this section and § 450-23.04: Standards for approval have been satisfied. In the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, any request for renewal may be referred for a decision by the Planning Commission, but without the need for public hearing.

See Forms and Applications for more information.